For Authors

Full Instructions for authors in pdf

Author Statement


Serbian Review of European Studies / Српска ревија за европске студије (SRES / СРЕС) is the double-blind peer reviewed journal of the Institute of European Studies, Belgrade, dedicated to comprehensive research of contemporary political, economic, and cultural processes in Europe. The journal promotes interdisciplinary research that contribute to the understanding of processes of European integration, comparatively showing the relations within the European union, and the negotiation process for joining the EU, with a focus on the experience of Republic of Serbia. SRES is publishing articles from the following thematic areas: current changes in the processes of European integration; important aspects of organization and functioning of the European Union (political and legal EU system); public policies of the European Union (e.g. Economic and Monetary Union, or Common Foreign and Security Policy); historical and current processes of transition in Central and Southeastern Europe; issues of democracy, regional development, and cultural identity.

Editorial Board will accept the scientific articles that have not been previously published, nor are in the publishing procedure at another journal, in parts or in whole, which will be guaranteed by the author when submitting the article.

The articles should be submitted to the Editorial Board in Serbian or English language. The articles in Serbian shall be submitted in Cyrillic script.

With the paper, the authors will submit the Author’s Statement, that can be downloaded at the journal website.

All papers will pass through editorial review and then the double-blind peer review. Author’s obligation is to respond to the reviewers’ commentaries. The article with two positive reviews will be published in line with the standard categorization of journal articles: original research article, review articles, book reviews, reports, and commentaries. The condition that article must meet to enter the review process is to correspond to the requirements given in this instruction:

Technical standards for manuscript preparation:

Manuscripts should be sent as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

Formatting: The page should be set as A4 (210×297 mm), with Normal margins (25,4 mm on all sides) and Justified text alignment. Line spacing should be set at Format > Paragraph, in Indents and Spacing window values should be: Before 0pt, After 0pt, Line Spacing 1.5 lines. The font should be Times New Roman at 12pts. Each paragraph should start with 1.25 cm indentation, unless the paragraph is the first one after the title or subtitle, in which case no indentation is needed. Articles should be between 4,000 and 9,000 words in length, including abstract,
footnotes and literature. Book reviews, reports and commentaries should not exceed 3,000 words in length.
Graphical contributions (tables, graphs, etc.) count as 250 words when calculating the length of an article.

Front page: At the front (first) page, the full title of an article in Serbian/English should be written in the upper left corner. The title should precisely and clearly indicate the topic of the article. The font of the title should be Times New Roman Bold, 14pts and in all capital letters. If the paper is a part of a specific research project, or is financed or supported by any organization, the * should follow the title with the footnote providing the information on the project or relevant institution, funding, etc. Name and surname of the author (in Times New Roman Bold, 12pts, regular letters) shall be placed one line after the title, with Orcid ID, and in the next line author’s institutional affiliation should be added (same font, regular), with a footnote (**) noting an e-mail contact of the (first/corresponding) author. Maximal number of co-authors is two. The names of the (co)authors should be removed from the manuscript (except from the front page), to keep the identity hidden from the reviewers, and if necessary, in listing personal bibliographical references in the text a coding should be used (e.g.: XX, 2021: 218). Below the title and name(s) of the authors, the abstract and key words should follow in the same language. On the front page of book reviews, after the title of the review and the author’s name (same as for the articles), in the middle of the page the information about the reviewed work will be given – name of the author(s), title (in Italic), place of publishing, publisher, year of the publishing, and number of pages.

Foreign names: Foreign names should be transcribed into the original article language, while at the first instance full original name should be given in parentheses.

Abstract and key words: Abstract (up to 200 words) should include short and clear presentation of the research topic, description of goals and used methods, and a concluding remark on the scientific contribution of the text, all written in the working language of the article. Key words (up to 5) should represent the key notions in the text. As all articles are published bilingually, they should be submitted with Abstract and Key words only in the chosen language of the article.

Subtitles: We recommend using subtitles up to a third level.
First level subtitles should be adequately numbered with Arab numerals in Times New Roman, Bold, 12pts.
Second level subtitles should be adequately numbered with Arab numerals in Times New Roman, Italic, 12pts.
Third level subtitles should be adequately numbered with Arab numerals in Times New Roman, 12pts.

Notes of gratitude and other remarks: If included, they should be given after the text of the article and before the list of the literature.

Footnotes: Footnotes should be used only for concise comments and additional explanations relevant to the text. They should be inserted from the main menu: References > Insert Citation. Make sure that the footnotes are set (at Footnotes tab) as Footnotes: Bottom of Page; Number format: 1, 2, 3.., Start at 1; Numbering: Continuous; Apply Changes to: Whole Document; Alignment: Single; Font:
Times New Roman, 10pts.

Tables and graphs: Tables, graphs and formulas should be created with relevant tools within Microsoft Word. They should be properly numbered and named, using Arab numerals and Italic letters. Numbers and names should be atop of the table or graph, and below it should be the source of the table or graph or of used
data, if needed.

Citations: In line with the APA style, citations should be used exclusively in text, in bibliographical parentheses. At the end of the quote in text, use the model: (Surname, Year of publications:
Page number). Example: (Smith, 1991: 38).
If you are not literally quoting someone else’s words but are paraphrasing his/her thoughts or are descriptively stating ideas given in his/hers work, you do not need to list specific page number but only author’s surname and the year of publication.
Reference with two authors should be cited in a following way: (Stradiotto and Guo, 2010) or (Самарџић и Радић Милосављевић, 2017). Reference with more than three authors will be cited in such a way to add “et al” after the surname of the first author, followed by the year of publication and the page number: (Mechkova et al., 2017: 165).
When citing more than one bibliographical source in parentheses, they should be sequenced per year of their respective publication (from older to newer), and those sources should be separated by semicolon, e.g. (Smith, 1991; Schedler, 2013).
If two sources have the same year of publication, they should be sequenced per the first letter of the author’s surname, in alphabetical order.
If the manuscript has more than one references from the same author and from the same year, you should add letters at the end of the year, in alphabetical order: (Durkheim, 1915c: 45).
Same rules apply for quoting the internet sources. If the author of the quoted source is unknown, you can use (Tanjug, 2018), and you can quote documentary sources in the same manner (Declaration, 1948: 11).
If the quote has more than 40 words, you should write it as a new paragraph and put the quotation marks. Bibliographical parentheses should be put after the last punctuation mark. Then you should start with a new text paragraph.
When quoting the source that has already been quoted in a parenthesis, the author’s surname should be repeated, followed by the “op. cit.” and the page number (e.g. Smith, op. cit., 19). Ibid or ibidem should be used only when quoting the source that has been quoted in the previous parenthesis, with different page number if necessary (e.g.: Ibid., 21).

Literature / References list: Using recent literature for original research articles is strongly recommended. The manuscript should list only those references that have been quoted in the text. Depending on the language of the text, the references should be listed in alphabetical order, per the first letter of the author’s surname. If the article is written in English, references in Latin script should be listed alphabetically before the first (possible) reference in Cyrillic.
If there are several works by the same author, his works should be listed per the year of publication from older to newer, and if there are multiple such works from the same year, letters (a, b, c…) should be put at the end of the year.
The reference list should be formatted in Word by Home > Paragraph > Indentation >Special: Hanging.

Examples of referencing monographs:
Surname, Initial letter of the name of the author/editor (Year of publication). Title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Хикс, С. (2007). Политички систем Европске уније. Београд: Службени гласник.
Smith, A. D. (1991). National identity. Reno: University of Nevada Press.
Bennett, T. et al. (2009). Culture, Class, Distinction. London: Routledge.

Examples of referencing articles in edited volumes:
Surname, Initial letter of the name of the author/editor (Year of publication). Article or chapter title. In: Editor surname, Initial letter of the name of the editor (ed.). Title of the edited volume. Place of publication: Publisher (pages).
Ковачевић, М. (2017). Криза у Европској унији и политика проширења. У: Самарџић, С. и Радић Милосављевић, И. (ур.). Европска унија: нове и старе димензије кризе. Београд: Факултет политичких наука (83–92).
Pateman, C. (1988). The Fraternal Social Contract. In: Keane, J. (ed.). Civil Society and the State. London: Verso Press (101–125).

Examples of referencing journal articles:
Surname, Initial letter of the name of the author (Year of publication). Article title, Journal title Volume: pages.
Kovacheva, S. i Hristozova, P. (2021). Radne karijere bugarskih migranata u Evropskoj uniji, Sociologija LXIII(4): 603–623.
Mechkova, V., et al. (2017). How much democratic backsliding?, Journal of Democracy 28(4): 162–169.
Stradiotto, G. A. and Guo, S. (2010). Transnational modes of democratization and democratic outcomes. International Journal on World Peace 27(4): 5–40.
If the reference has DOI number, it should be given at the end of the reference.

Examples of referencing internet sources:
If the quoted source has a known author, the source should be listed like this:
Surname, Initial letter of the name of the author (Year of publication). Text/Webpage title. Source, Date of publishing, Аvailable at: link Аccessed: date of access.
Пејовић, Д. (2021). Избеглицама из Украјине олакшано добијање заштите у ЕУ. Политика, 06.03.2021, преузето са:, датум приступања: 08.03.2021.
Maksimović, M. (2020). Prvo sporazum EU-a i SAD-a, pa onda Beograda i Prištine. Deutsche Welle, 06 September 2020, Аvailable at:
C5%A1tine/a-54829928, Аccessed: 12 May 2021.

If the date of the internet source is not available, the date of the last page change or the date of access should be listed.
Bilefsky, D. and Austen, I. (22.10.2019). Trudeau Re-election Reveals Intensified Divisions in Canada. The New York Times.

If the name of the author is unknown, the source should be quoted like this:
Evropska svemirska agencija povećava fondove. (28.11.2019). Tanjug.

Examples of referencing acts and documents:
Title of the act, Publication title, Number and year given with relevant updates
Закон о заштити конкуренције, Службени гласник РС, бр. 51/2009 и 95/2013.
EC Merger Regulation, Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings, 29.1.2004, L 24/1. EFJ (2014).

Editorial Board address:
Српска ревија за европске студије / Serbian Review of European Studies
Institute of European Studies,
Trg Nikole Pasica 11
11000 Belgrade
Manuscripts should be sent to