

Српска ревија за европске студије / Serbian Review for European Studies (СРЕС/SRES) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal of the Institute for European Studies (IES) in Belgrade.

The main goal of the SRES is to publish scientific papers on the topic of European studies, thus reflecting the long-term research orientation of the IES. The SRES also aims to promote debate and provide a venue for empirical and theoretical analysis on European integrations.

SRES covers a wide range of topics that contribute to a deeper understanding of the European integration process. We welcome submissions from a variety of disciplinary or multidisciplinary perspectives, ranging from political science, law, sociology to public administration, political economy and cultural studies. The journal is published three times per year in Serbian and English languages. It is open for quality articles in the following categories: original/research and review papers, book reviews, critiques and notes of scientific interest.

Serbian Review for European Studies addresses various aspects of European integrations. We invite new empirical and theoretical research that considers the democratic legitimacy of the integration process, the dynamic nature of the European Union, the evolution, functioning, and impacts of EU institutions and policies, the EU’s role as a global actor, the EU membership negotiation process with the focus on the experience of the Republic of Serbia, and other topics.

In particular papers are invited on any of the following thematic areas:

– European integration in times of crisis;
– Current changes in the processes of European integrations;
– Important aspects of organizing and functioning of the European Union (EU’s political and legal system);
– Public policies of the European Union (i.e., economic and monetary union, or foreign and security policy);
– Historical and current transition processes in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe;
– Narratives of European integrations;
– The current problems related to fundamental rights, the rule of law and democracy in the European Union;
– European integration and globalization;
– Digital transformation in the European Union (towards a digital European integration?);
– The impact of new and legacy media on the formation of political membership;
– Issues of regional development and cultural identities.

All contributions will undergo peer-review before being accepted for publication.

Serbian Review for European Studies has an international Publishing Council and Editorial Board.

Publishing Council:

• Dr Miša Đurković, Principal Research Fellow, Institute of European Studies, Belgrade
• Dr Gordana Đerić, Principal Research Fellow, Institute of European Studies, Belgrade
• Dr Gladden Pappin, director, Hungarian Institute of International Affairs, Hungary
• Dr James Kerr-Lindsay, Visiting Professor, London School of Economics – LSEE, United Kingdom
• Dr Maja Kovačević, Associate Professor, Faculty of political Sciences, University of Belgrade
• Dr Nataša Mrvić Petrović, Principal Research Fellow, Institute of Comparative Law, Belgrade
• Dr Slobodan Samardžić, Full-time professor, Faculty of political Sciences, University of Belgrade

Editorial Board:
• Dr Bojan Kovačević, Associate Professor, Faculty of political Sciences, University of Belgrade
• Dr Dunja Duić, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Osijek, Croatia
• Dr Justina Pierzynska, Lecturer, University of Vaasa, Finland
• Dr Mária Žuffová, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
• Dr Sanja Ivić, Principal Research Fellow, Institute of European Studies, Belgrade
• Dr Uroš Ćemalović, Senior Research Associate, Institute of European Studies, Belgrade
• Dr Michal Vit, Assistant Professor, Metropolitan University Prague
• Dr Jelena Žarković, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economy, University of Belgrade

• Dr Milan Igrutinović, Research Associate, Institute of European Studies, Belgrade

Editor-in-chief deputy:
• Dr Irina Milutinović, Senior Research Associate, Institute of European Studies, Belgrade

• Petar Ćurčić, Research Associate, Institute of European Studies, Belgrade

The content of the papers published in the Serbian Review for European Studies do not necessarily represent the position of the publisher – Institute for European Studies. The papers represent independent views of their authors. The publisher will not accept any legal responsibility for the errors that might be made within the publication.