Irina Milutinović Published on 15 October 2023 ABSTRACT: The subject of this study is the genesis and development of a competitive authoritarian political system as a specific phenomenon that, in the modern age, became the most prominent form of
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De-risking of the West and China: Potential problems for the European Union
Goran Nikolić Published on 29 September 2023 АBSTRACT: The text provides an overview of the most current trends in the relations between the West and China in terms of political economy. We see primarily the USA and the European
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Duško Lopandić Published on 8 September 2023 ABSTRACT: The paper offers an overview and analysis of the relations between Serbia and the European Union in recent decades. It aims to assess the extent to which the process of accession
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Vol. II (2023), no. 2
Импресум / Impressum Чланци / Articles Душко Лопандић: Oдноси Србије и Европске уније: Између придруживања и незавршене интеграцијеDuško Lopandić: Relations of Serbia and the European Union: Between accession and unfinished integrationстр. / pp. 3–28 PDF Горан Николић: „Дерискинг“ Запада и
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